Making a button using QML and QtQuick
GUI in C++, lul
I know, right? Whatever happened to using solid frameworks! things like Electron! I’m not gonna detail “why not electron” here, not even if it’s made with fearless concurrency; we already know it’s shite. Let’s move.
What is QtQuick
QtQuick is a framework for developing user interfaces with QML. QML is a declarative markup language made by the Qt Company. It can be used for several things, like making a language agnostic build system.
QtQuick is an altenative to traditional Qt widgets when developing gui. The interfaces built with it are fluid and ready to be used on any device without any tweaking. Imagine the beauty of Qt, but without creating visual components with C++ code. Imagine the beauty of Qt, but without creating visual components with C++ code!
If you’re familiar with Qt widgets (or any other framework really), using QtQuick will most likely bring you loads of advantages. Things like property binding, smooth transitions and animations, the whole mobile experience shenanigans, code reuse, etc.
First touch
Running qml code
To run qml code you only need the qmlscene
executable included with your
Qt5 install. qmlscene file.qml
will display the interface described in the
file. This should only be used for debugging and prototyping. If you intend
to deploy or do anything involving real data, you should instead develop a
C++ or a Python application.
Python or C++?
Right now, the answer is neither. In this guide we will only use qml to create a gui without any backend. If you want to go ahead and start using Python, note that PySide2 are the latest officialy supported Qt bindings for Python.
Import statements can be used in QML to get access to other qml modules,
javascript, C++ (or Python) types, etc. In this guide the only thing we’ll
need to import is the QtQuick module with import QtQuick 2.9
. You can use
anything between 2.0 and the latest version available to you. Just don’t use
1.4 or anything older, unless you have no other choice.
qml file structure
In a qml file you have the import statements at the top and below them a single top level qml component.
// file.qml
import QtQuick 2.9
Rectangle {
// everything else goes here
The Rectangle
is the most basic visual component of QtQuick. It’s a
rectangle with usual properties like, x, y, width, height, and also things
like a radius, a color, and so on.
id and properties
The id
property is a unique (in the component scope) name associated with
each QML component. It’s close to the name of a variable, and it’s visible
everywhere in the file. This allows you to use the component anywhere within
the file without trouble. In C++ you would declare a variable with Rectangle
rect(0, 0, 12, 12);
for a square of height 12 placed at position (0, 0). In
QML you’d write the same as follows:
Rectangle {
id: square // no semicolons needed
x: 0, y: 0 // it's recommended to declare related properties on the same line
width: 12
height: width // you can use a property's value to initialize another one
color: "lightblue"
Some other properties that are available in a rectangle are border
, opacity
, visible
, and much more.
Although the id
looks like one, it’s not a real property.
You can also nest elements. This is very useful when you want to create somewhat complex components, both in look and behaviour:
Rectangle {
id: square
color: "lightblue"
Rectangle {
id: innerBox
width: 6
height: width
// x and y are relative to the parent's coordinates
// the inner box will ended up centered in its parent
x: 3, y: 3
Children and parents
When a component is nested inside another one, the child can access its
parent’s attributes through the parent
attribute. The parent can access its
children’s through the children
attribute, which is a list.
Rectangle {
id: box
radius: innerBox.height / 3 // access any item's properties through its id
Rectangle {
id: innerBox
// Qt.darker returns the color one shade darker than the one it receives as parameter
color: Qt.darker(parent.color) // access the parent's properties
Reactive programming or property binding
Sometimes you want the user interface you’re building to stay consistent
(proportion wise) when the application window is resized or displayed on
screens of different size. For the precedent example, it would be nice to
keep the inner box centered when the parent’s proportions change. QtQuick,
QML in general, provides a really neat reactive programming mechanism to
achieve this, property binding. And guess what! We’ve already been using
it. Indeed, to bind some property to another one it suffices to declare the
former using the later, as we’ve been doing for the height
height: width
When declared like this, everytime the width change, the
height is appropriately updated, so the rectangle is always a square. With
that in mind we can redefine our two rectangles to get even better
reactivity and keep the inner box centered at all times.
Rectangle {
// nothing to change
Rectangle {
id: innerBox
width: parent.width
height: width
x: (parent.width - width) / 2
y: (parent.height - height) / 2
Stuff & co.
Rectangles are cool and all, but they are boring. There is so much more to QML; let’s go over some notions. Some of them should look familiar to anyone who have used Qt before.
Adding custom properties
When using QML, one can extend a component by adding new porperties to
it. Say for example we want a certain component to have a name. We could
achieve this with something as simple as: property string name: "Component
awesome name"
. This declaration would go inside the component. Note that a
new property doesn’t have to be initialized immediately.
In the Qt framework, a signal is a predefined message an object sends when a certain event occurs. They are an indispensable functionality for any respectable gui framework, under some form or another.
signal eventOccured // signal declaration
// signal handling
onEventOccured : {
width = width * 2
signal buttonClicked(Position clickPosition) // note that signals can also take parameters
onButtonClicked : {
// oh no. Is this a javascript
console.log("x: " + clickPosition.x + " y: " + clickPosition.y)
A signal is associated with each porperty of every QtQuick component. That
means we could implement handlers for onWidthChanged
, onColorChnaged
, etc. This also applies for our own properties. So we
could also implement onNameChanged
, since we added a name property
An anchor is an attribute that lets you place components relatively to each other without much struggle. They let you turn a sentence like “above the status bar, below the menu” into understandable code.
// tie this component's bottom to the statusbar's top
// tie this component's top to the menubar's bottom menuBar.bottom
// make the component fill its parent size
anchors.fill: parent
// centerIn, left and right are other elements that can be used to anchor stuff
Note that anchors you can only anchor components to their siblings and parents.
The mouse area is a basic component that defines an area where mouse events can be intercepted. Typically it’s declared inside another component that it fills completely and when the user interact with the said component through the mouse, those events are available to do awesome stuff.
Rectangle {
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
parent.color: "#e3c003"
Combine all the things
At this point, we can already do a lot of cool stuff. Let’s make a component conform to the following specs:
- Shape: circle
- Color: toggle between blue and red with mouse click
- Border color: green
- Border width: 5 normally, and 0 when the circle is pressed
- Display the text “Hello, world!” in white, centered in the circle
Additional information
We’ve already seen most of these. The mouse press event is similar to a click
and it can be handled by implementing onPressed
. Displaying the text is as
simple as nesting a Text
component, another basic building block provided
by QtQuick, inside another rectangle. The string it should show can be set
with the text
attribute, e.g. text: "What are generics?"
I will post a solution to this below, but I would recommend anyone interested in learning QML to try doing it on their own before checking my implementation.
import QtQuick 2.9
// let's start with a rectangle; almost always start with a rectangle tbh
Rectangle {
id: button
signal clicked // we will trigger this signal when the button is clicked
// when the signal is triggered, we'll toggle the color
onClicked: {
// Qt.colorEqual is used to compare colors
// btw you can specify colors in many formats
// e.g: "blue", "#0000ff", "#ff0000ff" and many more
// including hsv and hsl
// here we use strings
color = Qt.colorEqual(color, "blue") ? "red" : "blue"
width: 50
height: width
radius: width / 2 // make the rectangle a circle
color: "blue"
border.color: "green"
border.width: {
// pressed is a read-only boolean property of MouseArea
mouseArea.pressed ? 0 : 5
Text {
id: label
anchors.centerIn: parent
color: "white"
text: "Hello, world!"
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
// note that clicked() is a function call
// the parentheses are necessary
onClicked: button.clicked()
Now that you’re initiated to QtQuick, the electron fanboys better watch out.